Making Sense: Sensory Parcels
I was invited by artist, and Director of the Community Interest Company Making Sense, Ticky Lowe to collaborate on the Sensory Parcels project with her.
We worked together to create a collaborative sensory parcel for people with additional needs and care staff, and an additional sensory reminiscence parcel for residents and care staff in care homes.
The parcels included bioplastic stress balls, interactive knitted lavender bags and scented reminiscence invitations.
‘Each month “Sensory Parcels” are created and sent out to participating day centres, the parcels are the catalyst for sensory activities for the month led by care staff that can include day trips, sensory workshops, and creation of sensory artwork and installations in the centres.
The parcels are carefully developed each month by professional artists and guest artists containing sensory objects, sounds and smells along with suggestions for sensory interactive activities and trips.
Creating a positive environment and impacting on the health and wellbeing of staff and carers and the people they care for.’ - Making Sense