Soft Sculptures


These digital knit and hand finished sculptures play with the idea of what can and can’t be touched in an art gallery.

Can I Touch It?:

The first soft sculpture provides a sensory experience starting with sight, enticing viewers to want to touch the patterned tactile texture, leading them to the scent of lavender combined with the piece. It’s a journey of the senses. This piece is also inspired by collections of seashells used during reminiscence workshops with elderly residents in a local care-home, exploring the ideas of forgotten treasures and personal journeys.

This artwork has exhibited in The Royal Cambrian Academy Open Exhibition 2022 and the Turner House Open Exhibition 2023.

I’m Going to Touch It:

The second soft sculpture uses the image of the hand to encourage viewers to touch the artworks.

This piece has exhibited in the CARN x Gwyl Arall pop up Exhibition 2023.